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Thank you to our Backers!

Our Backers supported this graphic novel with direct financial contributions long before it was completed, trusting us to not only finish what we've started, but to finish with somthing worthy of their support.  We thank you for putting that kind of faith in us; you have helped us greatly in bringing forth this vision!  Your decision to support us is special to us, and we would like to acknowledge you for being right here with us at the very beginning.


Anita Baker
Cedric Brown
Cynthia Conteh
Desiree Hayes
Leah Hunter
Eric Jones
Jennifer Kubicki
Athena Lark
Tia Leathers
Palesa Malinga
Tracy Morris
Mark Oakley
Jason Overstreet
Melinda Potts
Ouida Powe
Max Reddick
Katrice Shorter
Richard Simmons
Byron Taylor
Tonyaa Weathersbee


We also have three Bronze Backers we'd like to acknowledge.  These Backers each supported us with a $100 contribution to the project, which has gone a long way here in our humble beginnings to helping make this first issue a reality.  We thank you so much for deciding to go so far in helping us achieve this goal!


Debony Maffett - Bronze Backer
Lorraine Portman - Bronze Backer
Ryan Walker - Bronze Backer

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